• Establishing Good Credit History, and a Good Credit Score

    Establishing Good Credit History, and a Good Credit Score

    A credit score, also known as a credit rating, is a numerical measurement calculated on the basis of an assigned scale, reflecting the creditworthiness of a person. A credit score normally depends on several variables such as the amount of credit extended, types of credit applied for and frequency of payment made. A credit score…

  • How Does My Credit Score Affect Personal Finances?

    How Does My Credit Score Affect Personal Finances?

    What is a credit score? A credit score, also called a credit history rating, is a numerical representation of an individual’s credit risk, to reflect an individual’s creditworthiness. A credit score reflects a credit history, generally sourced from three credit agencies, most commonly the credit bureau known as Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. The score is…

  • FICO Scores and Credit Risk

    FICO Scores and Credit Risk

    FICO, originally Fair, Isaac and Company (now known simply as FICO), is an information analytics firm based in San Jose, California specializing in credit monitoring services. It was founded by Earl Isaac and Bill Fair in 1956. Their FICO score, an independent measure of customer credit risk, has since become a staple of personal lending…